Awww... I Miss Camryn!
Sorry, but Nikita was just telling me how she was playing with Camryn today! Anyway... So where did we leave off? Ah yes, Saturday night. Yeah, I didn’t do much of anything else after journaling, I think I went to bed around 2am… but I could be mistaken, in the immortal words of my mother – “I’ve slept since then.”
10April2005 – Sunday
Sunday I got up around 2pm or maybe 3. (Today has been a long day…) I went straight to studio and worked on the project due Monday (today) until about 6:30pm. After that I’d had just about enough working on projects and whatnot and went to my room. I found Daniel who was also burnt out on studying for his Italian test so we decided that an hours worth of ping pong would be just about right to get us ready for dinner. So we played ping pong for about an hour and just to let you all know how I stand. Well, I suck. I haven’t won a single game of ping pong in my life from what I can remember; of course I haven’t played in like 10 years or something. So we go to dinner and Katherine, who is someone I’ve spoken very little of but have been spending quite a large amount of time with as of late, introduced me to sparkling white wine. Ladies and gentlemen, I have finally found a wine that I like; my trip to Italy isn’t going to be wine-less after all. She shared a bottle with me and it was quite good actually. After dinner I went to studio to work some more on my project and found Marcel in there talking to some people. When he was finished I grabbed him for a second to get him to talk to me and make sure I was going in somewhat the right direction and honestly, I couldn’t tell. The problem with professors, especially architecture professors, is that they can be so incredibly vague it makes you want to use an X-Acto knife it a way it definitely shouldn’t - but that is neither here nor there. The only thing I really got from him was his alarm that I was working alone on the project. Let me explain… so far this semester we started out on individual projects, then we worked our way up to a 3 person team project, then we combined 3 teams of 3 to make a 9 team project. That was the master plan that was due last Monday. Now then, Thursday they decided to assign us a project that was due Monday that we were to work with in our groups of 3. So for anyone not paying attention it goes 1, 3, 9, 3, and eventually starting Thursday I’m sure, we will be back to individual projects to finish out the semester. So why was I working alone? Thursday as you will recall, if you’re up to date on my journal, I had to leave studio early to go to the doctor. Well, because of that I never had a chance to speak with my group during class and I never saw them again after class and Friday morning before I awoke, the two other members of my team got on a plane to Barcelona for the weekend. Now, you should be caught up. So Marcel was obviously alarmed at my working alone on this phase of the project so I asked if he thought I should ask Katherine if she wanted to team up – her two teammates were in Barcelona as well and as far as I knew she hadn’t started this phase yet at all. He sounded somewhat like he thought it might be a good idea, so after he left me to my misery I decided to go in search of Katherine to see what she thought of the idea. Well after looking around the entire complex and knocking on her door to no avail, I had no idea where she was. At this point I decided that working alone was better than not working at all and decided to go down to the bar to get a cappuccino and the included caffeine boost to get me started on what looked to be a long night in studio. After my cappuccino I checked my e-mail and as I did so the power to the entire complex went out. The only thing we could see was the 4 emergency lights in the whole place and the light coming from obscure lights outside. At this point I guess I should say that it was raining all day Sunday and as the night had progressed the winds had picked up increasingly and at that point all we could hear was banging outside – this was to continue for the remainder of the night but only get worse. So here I was, wired on caffeine that my body isn’t used to because I try to stay away from the stuff – ergo I’m extremely wired, and the power is out and doesn’t seem to be coming back any time soon. Later I saw Marco in the hall and he confirmed this suspicion as he is the complex electrical fixer guy. At this point I will just finish by saying that the night was extremely long and I didn’t end up going to sleep until some time after 4am. The winds never died down but only got worse (someone said today that a guy in town has lived here for like 60 years and had never ever experienced anything like it and also said it was because the Pope died, but that’s just his theory, lol!) and I spent the entire evening sitting alone in random rooms of the building or walking about the building alone thinking to myself, praying, and trying to gain some perspective on my life – although I couldn’t say if anything came of that attempt right now.
11April2005 – Monday
I woke at 9:30am and was going to get in the shower until I found it ice cold and with no heat insight. Cancel that… I spent the next hour to hour and a half getting a package ready to be sent home and then having my first experience with the postal service in Italy – it went quite well actually! By the time I was finished I went to studio and had absolutely no motivation to work on anything so I decided to throw in the towel and go get comfortable for lunch in 20 minutes. I ate a very meager lunch because I wasn’t thrilled with my dining option (I can’t eat pink and white sausage…) and after I was feeling very sick to my stomach for some reason (I am feeling better in the sinus infection area though for anyone wondering!) so I took a nap until time for studio. I felt a little better after my nap and made my way down to studio to work. I refined what I had been working on a little and then suddenly my group appeared and Andrew told me he had designed everything on the train, not to fear, and all we needed to do was draw it closer to scale. Aw heck, works for me, I hadn’t figured anything good out. So for the next hour they told me everything they had figured out and we re-drew it before we had a lecture that Peter had set up for 5:30pm. So I decided to go to this lecture and that is where I went wrong… The lecturer had a very thick Greek accent and I didn’t understand but 4 words the entire hour and a half I was in there and he showed nothing but random slides of streets and building groupings, and other urban scenes. I snuck out at 7:15pm and went down to dinner. This time I bought the wine and shared it with Katherine as thanks for the night before and dinner was pretty good. After dinner I got online and checked my e-mail and then went upstairs and watched Bourne Supremacy. When that was over I came down here and, well, here I am. Tomorrow I have a test that I’ve studied quite scarcely for, but I never study and always do fine, so I’m not especially concerned. As for tonight, well, it’s now midnight, so the night is mostly over, I’ll probably be online a bit longer before going to bed. I love and miss you all and hope you are enjoying reading this stuff.
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